Nappini murder, man accused of nurse's death speaks out: 'She asked me to marry her'

“We should have gotten married: he wanted to help me obtain Italian citizenship. On September 4, I would have liked to see her: I tried to contact her in the morning, without success.” That day, Rossella Nappini was found dead in the entrance hall of the condominium on via Giuseppe Allievo, in the Trionfale district of Rome. His body had been lacerated by 56 stab wounds. For the murder of the 52-year-old nurse, suspicion quickly focused on Adil Harrati, a 45-year-old Moroccan with whom Nappini had had a brief relationship. relationship cut short a few days before his death Today, May 29, the man was present at the Assize Court of Rome and wanted to make spontaneous statements In which he spoke about the marriage he planned to celebrate. with Rossella and their brief relationship: “We met because I had done work in his house.”

The words of Monica Nappini

Harrati, a house painter, had worked in the building where the victim lived with her mother, then in their apartment. Also present in the courtroom Monica Nappini, Rossella's sister, confirmed the facts: “My sister told me that she had met him, she showed me a photo of him, she told me said she wanted to marry him. She told me that he was a good person, that he made her laugh and that she wanted to help him obtain his residence permit. And then he confessed to me: “My dream is to wear a wedding dress.” But things didn't go as planned: “Later, Rossella told me she realized he had a criminal record and ended their relationship. Two weeks before his death, around mid-August, he decided to leave him.”

“He harassed her”

A decision that, according to his sister's account, the man never accepted: “He harassed her with calls, he wanted to meet her, he insisted. And on the morning of the crime, he called her to ask her for a meeting for the afternoon.” Rosella Nappini had refused: according to her sister's reconstruction, that day she should have visited an apartment where she had the intention of moving: she wanted to live by the sea. However, he never showed up for this meeting. Her sister Monica, however, wanted to realize at least one of her dreams: “Before burying him. , I dressed her. Now, in the coffin, she is wearing my wedding dress.

The accusations

Scarlett's eighty-four-year-old mother sat next to her eldest daughter. Feeling the loss, even though her voice betrayed her emotion, she was decisive in telling the judges, pointing at Harrati: “He killed her. He must go to prison. » Prosecutor Claudia Alberti accuses the 45-year-old man of intentional homicide. The accused risks life imprisonment: the aggravating circumstances of “cruelty” and “futile and abject motives” are contested, but also “premeditation” and having acted “to the detriment of a person” to whom he was linked by an emotional relationship stopped. “Near the crime scene, according to what the workers responding to the scene said, three switchblade knives of the same brand were found inside a “bell” for picking up the glass. However, it has not yet been established whether any of the three blades was the murder weapon.

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