The accusation against Irene Pivetti: “She has links with the clans of the business world, the mafia and the oil industry”

Former President of the Chamber and member of the League Irene Pivetti has received a complaint for having favored the interests of the Camorra in oil. La Dia describes Pivetti's role within the Roman mafia. Which is a confederation of clans ranging from the 'Ndrangheta to the Cosa Nostra to the gangs of Campania. Pivetti's contacts are Salvatore Pezzella and Giuseppe Vitaglione. Who are said to be representatives of the Mazzarella and D'Alessandro clans. Vitaglione is also linked to Michele Senese's son, Vincenzo. Who he authorized with Roberto Marcori to acquire a company in the hydrocarbons sector. Dia writes: “The investigations have shown that Vitaglione (…) was favored by the contribution of Irene Pivetti, former President of the Chamber.”

Hydrocarbons and recycling

Daily fact reports today that Corrado Petito and Roberto Navaro, “in competition with Pivetti and with the complacency of corrupt public officials (…) contributed to creating the conditions conducive to money laundering operations, through the production of ideologically false F24 models that certified the payment of excise duties and VAT due for the purchase of fuel”. The Prosecutor's Office: “At the end of the meeting, it will be understood (…) that Pivetti has a key role in the negotiation”. So much so that she is interested in the outcome of the meeting and says to Navaro: “I'm in Rome tomorrow, aren't you in these parts?”. The story is closely linked to that of Only Italia Logistic of which Pivetti was the sole director. Subject of a suspicious report by Bankitalia in 2019. Which pointed to operations during the Covid-19 emergency.

Pivetti and the man linked to Senese

Then there are the conversations between Pivetti and Vitaglione. “The disturbing passage, given that Vitaglione is talking to the woman who held the third highest position in the state, must be identified when, without any shame, he reports the reason for the change of attitude of the owners of the warehouse,” Dia says. Vitaglione to Pivetti: “The cards have changed a little for the group up there, right? Where I even had a discussion here in Naples (…). I would like you to call him and say sorry, but did I go to serious or bad people? But President (…) you have to whip them directly, you understand?”. Pivetti replies: “Okay, in the meantime, I will find out what they have, then send me the information, everything, the number.” Vitaglione again: “I was called by a family from Naples, then the President stays between us, in this case we are in our country and we discussed who they are and who we are.”

Pivetti's response

Dia writes: “Pivetti, well aware of operating in a context of organized crime, not only confirms once again that she has understood the delicate situation, but by sharing the 'mafia' intervention of the Vitaglione family, she hopes that in this way the owner of the Nuova Petroli company will return to the initial agreements”. The former president of the Chamber, through his lawyer, explains to Il Fatto: “I have not received any judicial communication, I have instructed my lawyer to contact the prosecutor's office to check if there are any entries on me. In case I put myself at the disposal of the prosecutor.”

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