The 33,528 files, the Lega funds, the 007 foreigners: what does the investigation into the Pasquale Striano file contain

33,528. This is the number of files that Pasquale Striano extracted from the databases of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate from 2019 to 2022. A figure revealed yesterday by Perugia prosecutor Raffaele Cantone during the hearing in parliament. But it is also a figure that needs to be explained. Because if the investigation into the file of the lieutenant of the Guardia di Finanza highlights “monstrous figures”, research into the funds of the League is also emerging. And a possible second mole, who acted after Striano's inhibition. However, he actually downloaded a total of more than 50,000 documents from all the databases he had access to. And thousands of them have not been found. But there is also no trace of transmission to third parties. However, this is information that can be useful “to foreign services,” Cantone said.


The first figure to be explained in the investigation of the file is this 33,528. This is the number of files Pasquale Striano allegedly downloaded from anti-mafia databases alone. While the total amounts to 50 thousand. There are 4,124 suspicious operation (SOS) reports viewed by Lt. While searching for 1,123 people in the Serpico database, the Revenue Agency system in which tax returns are collected. But be specific Daily fact, may have searched for certain people several times. At Sdi, which collects police information, there were 1,947 searches. Among the accesses, some were carried out in an exploratory manner. Among the downloads there are trivial information and secret documents. Cantone says the press commissioning of the investigation is an investigative hypothesis he hopes will be disproven.


While the word file for him “means nothing. This is spasmodic research on a range of topics. If by file we mean the creation of an archive, we don't have it.” No money or further intentions were found for Striano. Who also did SOS research on him and his wife Francesca Rotta. As if he had abnormally collected considerable sums. But again, the money was not found. The last check was in February 2022. But, explain the messenger, there is also another interesting circumstance. On August 3, newspapers published the news of Cantone's investigation into Striano in Perugia. The newspaper of August 7 Tomorrow gives news of an SOS concerning Giovanni and Gaetano Mangione, entrepreneurs doing business with Defense Minister Guido Crosetto. Arguing that he should mind his own business and not Striano's.

Foreign services

The issue at hand was not resolved by Striano, who had already been ousted at the time. So, is there a second mole? This is what investigators are wondering. While the shadow of foreign secret services already hangs over the investigation. Questioned in recent days by members of Copasir. And finally mentioned by the Canton itself, which also spoke of “subjects which do not operate on our national territory”. But it was the story of the Mangiones that was first told The truth. How did Belpietro's diary obtain this SOS, when Striano no longer had a password? There is also an ad hoc file on the League's funds on the subject. Which was sent to the Milan public prosecutor's office. “Striano presented a sort of diary of all practices. We also acquired others, notably those relating to League funds. The activity on League funds is one that is being further investigated,” Cantone explained yesterday.

League Fund

The file also arrived in Genoa and Bergamo. Where other lines of inquiry were being studied. What concerned the president of the Football Federation Gabriele Gravina would rather be a fake. This is a bribe for TV rights disguised as the sale of old books. Here, the deep throat of Striano (and Antonio Laudati) is Emanuele Floridi, a man from Gravina who spoke to Claudio Lotito, president of SS Lazio and parliamentarian of Forza Italia. Lotito was questioned in Perugia as a person informed of the facts, Cantone said. Eight journalists are also involved in the investigation. Four of them are professional journalists. The three of Tomorrow (Stefano Vergine, Nello Trocchia, Giovanni Tizian) and a woman present on the lists of the Order since 2007.


Among the others, only the initials are known, published yesterday by Il Giornale: GS, DC, SV, RN, accused of complicity in the crime with Striano as journalists seeking information. It is not clear which newspapers they collaborated with and, according to the online prosecution, there is no trace of their activity. They allegedly requested information from Striano, who provided it to them. But sometimes the financier himself accessed and then “passed on” the information. As if he were guided by his own will. Or others.

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