sustainable spending at farmers markets

According to a Coldiretti survey, during the first months of 2024, more than six out of ten Italians chose to make at least one purchase in a Farmers' walk, a farmers' market. This reflects a shift in consumer preferences, who are increasingly seeking traceable products. This trend towards quality local produce, recognizing the value of short supply chains and sustainable production, represents a cultural shift towards greater awareness of the food we consume, its impact on health and the environment.

But what pushes consumers to adopt new sustainable consumption habits?

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Farmers’ markets for greater “food security”

The survey carried out analyzed the degree of consumer confidence in the products purchased. 73% of those questioned think that buy directly from the farmer is the safest way among all forms of distribution. Already in 2022, the consumption of 0 km products was increasing. In the recent Coldiretti study, farmers' markets come in second place, guaranteeing the food safety for 69% of those questioned and go to local shops (56%), supermarkets and hypermarkets (48%). The web brings up the rear, with only 19% of respondents willing to buy food online.

This data reveals a marked distrust of digital platforms for purchasing food products, probably due to a perception of less control over the quality and origin of products. The preference given to small producers, Farmers' walk and neighborhood businesses, highlights a desire for more transparency and a more direct and personal relationship with producers.

The main reason why Italians frequent farmers market it is therefore the greatest guarantee of healthiness, transparency and nutritional quality of the products. Buy directly from the manufacturer reduces the risk of food fraud.

Today, for a product to be labeled as made in Italy, it only needs to be reworked or repackaged in Italy. To respond to this growing demand for transparency, Coldiretti, which has always been engaged in the fight against Italian consonance and against counterfeiting, launched the mobilization “No fakes in Italy”with the aim of collecting signatures for a European popular initiative law which extends the obligation to indicate the origin on all food products present on the EU market.

Economic and social benefits of sustainable spending by small producers

According to the Campagna Amica Coldiretti database, over the last ten years, farmers' markets have grown from fewer than 600 to almost 1,200, with more than 12,000 producers involved and notable expansion even during the pandemic in all regions. regions of Italy.

THE Farmers' walk are growing all over the world because they offer numerous economic, social and environmental benefits, thus helping to create a sustainable and competitive agricultural model.

This development not only improves the profitability of small farms, but strengthens the link between producers and consumers, promoting a more conscious approach to food consumption Is responsible.

The growing popularity of farmers' markets in Italy demonstrates that the pursuit of transparency, quality and sustainability has become a priority for many consumers, indicating a clear direction towards a healthier and more sustainable food future.

Farmers' markets contribute to revitalize local economiesoffering a direct sales channel for agricultural products and creating a virtuous economic circuit that supports employment and profitability in less urbanized areas. For manufacturers, I farmers market they represent a platform to consolidate the robustness of its agricultural businesses, reducing dependence on intermediaries and making it possible to obtain a fairer prices for their products. This strengthens the economic sustainability of businesses, encourages more environmentally friendly agricultural practices and improves the living conditions of rural communities.

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