“Style Magazine”: a special 100% feminine issue and an evening for the tenth anniversary of the spin-off “Style Fashion Issue”

Men seen by women. The female gaze is at the heart of the April issue of Style magazine, from March 27 on newsstands and in digital edition with Corriere della Sera. These are women talking about current affairs, from the topic of sustainability to the gender gap. And exceptionally, there is a woman on the cover: Alba Floresface of Nairobi The paper houseactress who has always been at the forefront of the defense of human rights and the environment, stands out next to the title “Equality is a right for all”.

A special issue: “April's Style Magazine is a dialogue “with” women, not “about” women. Women who excel in their professions, often considered masculine, and who work for a more egalitarian and inclusive world. By starting from the female point of view, we manage to adopt and make room for the rights of all,” she explains. Alessandro Calascibettadirector of the monthly news and style RCS.

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And the female gaze, after the cover, continues like a common thread between the pages: the chronicle the point of view addresses issues of betrayal, discrimination against trans women, abortion, and “imposter syndrome.” Numerous meetings: with Fulvia Contecaptain of the Geo Barents, the Doctors Without Borders ship engaged in rescue operations in the Mediterranean, and with the activist Karin Ricci which explains how the “internalized patriarchy” of women makes them in turn become chauvinistic men. In the Walletthe thoughts of Giovanna Sanninoactress of Sea outsideon the rights of young people in prison and the clichés of Thandiwe Muriu, a kaleidoscopic Kenyan photographer who offers a new perspective on beauty. Fashion then looks Men conceived by women: stylists capable of venturing without preconceptions into the creation of men's clothing.

Fashion is also at the center of another milestone for RCS magazine, which is celebrating 10 years of the supplement Fashion problem. THE April 9on newsstands and in digital edition with Corriere della Serathe special tenth anniversary edition is coming: 96 pages, in daily format, which retrace ten years of trends and developments in fashion, through the emblematic photos published over the years by the spin-off of Style magazinewith a reflection of Diego Passoni on the relationship between Eros and fashion and Cristiano Seganfreddo on the links between art, fashion, the body.

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Like any important birthday worth respecting, it must be celebrated with a party: meet (by invitation) on April 3 At PAC – Contemporary Art Pavilion from Milan, to blow out 10 candles. With style.

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