Simone Borgese placed under house arrest after rape accusation, anger from residents: “We don't want him among us. He has to get out of here.”

There is fear and anger among the citizens of Piana Del Sole, a district of Rome shocked by the latest arrest of Simone Borgese on charges of raping a 26-year-old student, lured by deception to the bus stop, and already known for previous crimes of sexual violence. The investigating judge ordered that the 39-year-old man be placed under house arrest as a precaution to avoid possible relapses, even though the prosecution had requested prison due to previous offenses. “We don’t want this between us. He has to leave here,” denounce the residents. And the residents of the neighborhood, who more or less all know each other, say they are outraged that Borgese was placed under house arrest instead of being locked up in prison. Some even go as far as to talk about organizing possible immediate punitive action. “I saw Borgese three days ago, he was walking very calmly and to think that he had already done what he had done. “I want to vomit”, comments a local resident to the Roman edition of The Republic.

The girlfriend and the teenage daughter

From the accounts of the inhabitants of Piana Del Sole, it appears that Borgese was reintegrated into the neighborhood, after his release from prison, thanks to his girlfriend, with whom he has a teenage daughter: “She grew up here, she didn't is never worried about anyone. Work here. He told us that he had changed and that he was a sensitive person. He wanted to buy it back. If she hadn't been there, he would have had to leave immediately,” says one man. Meanwhile, those close to him deny everything: “We don't know who she is, leave.” But there are many stories of those who , once Borgese was released from prison, met him often. “I saw him a few days ago. After he was released from prison, Simone occasionally came to work with us. It was strange that. from time to time he freezes. You can't say he's normal. He was obsessed with girls. He said: listen, I would never go with a girl younger than my daughter. chills,” reports a resident.

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