Serena Bortone assesses the appeal against Rai and the farewell to Viale Mazzini after the Scurati affair

Presenter Serena Bortone was suspended for six days for the Scurati affair. The CheSarà program was closed after 72 episodes. In the meantime, she has returned to the entertainment directed by Angelo Mellone. Who offered her a new program. To be written jointly with Mellone or with the collaborators he wants. But no politics. But the offer apparently remained on the table. Why, explains today the Corriere della Serain the meantime, his suspension could also be suspended. In fact, Bortone is considering challenging this provision. Because she considers the punishment unfair, being the one who protected the company on the occasion of the cancellation, on April 25, of the monologue of the writer Antonio Scurati. The presenter keeps a copy of the messages and emails sent to Paolo Corsini and Roberto Sergio. And in the meantime, he is also considering saying goodbye to him. Because while we are finalizing the administrative formalities with Rai, in the meantime, an offer could arise from elsewhere.

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