School reports, “repayment plans” and additional resources to reduce taxes: this is how the agreement between the tax authorities and VAT numbers will work

Proof of agreement. In recent weeks, the government has finalized the operation of the new model of relations that it wishes to establish between the tax authorities and VAT numbers, and for this reason it has mandated a commission of experts appointed by the Mef to carry out a series of simulations. of future dynamics. The final document arrived a few days ago on the desk of Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo, e The messenger reports this morning. It will work roughly like this: each professional or company with a VAT number will be assigned a “grade” from 1 to 10 by the tax authorities, like at school. Technically, this will in fact be an ISA, a synthetic indicator of reliability: essentially, the tax authorities will map the credibility of the tax declarations presented by each VAT number (around 2.7 million). For those who get the maximum score, obviously, no problem. For those who score above the passing mark but far below 10 – that is, they are considered to be evading part of the taxes they should pay – the dialogue with the tax administration will begin in the framework of the so-called concordat. The latter will be the first to take the first step, by presenting a sort of “return plan” to each company or professional who finds themselves “out of service”. According to the document drawn up by Mef experts, in fact, VAT numbers should benefit from a period of two years to make the declaration. In short, between 2025 and 2026, the companies concerned will gradually have to declare (and therefore pay) how much they actually owe according to tax calculations, and therefore return to compliance. VAT numbers will have to respond by formally accepting or not the proposed agreement by October 15. Those who take this step will receive recognition of their repentance, with an ISA equal to 10. Those who refuse the proposed tax deal will find themselves in a sort of blacklist: tax controls will become stricter, in short it will be war.

The piggy bank to reduce taxes

The simulations on different categories of companies and professionals are now examined by the ministry and the government, and it is not certain that the system can be further refined in the coming months. What seems certain, however, is the date by which responses from professionals and businesses to the proposed agreements must be received: October 15. Unsurprisingly, recalls the Roman newspaper. Indeed, a few days after this date, the government will have to present its next budgetary maneuver and will want to understand exactly how many additional resources it will be able to count on for the next two years, in order to calibrate the tax reduction forecasts. According to the government's plans, in fact, the “piggy bank” created by the concordats should be used to finance new tax interventions, starting with the reduction of the Irpef. Without prejudice to the three established rates (cost: 4 billion), the government's priority, if resources permit, should be to reduce the tax levy for the middle class, those who declare income of up to 55 thousand euros.

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