Farewell to Caleb Carr, author of the best-selling book “The Alienist”

Caleb Carr, the author of the bestselling 1994 novel The Alienist, died today of cancer at his home in Cherry Plains, New York. He was 68 years old. His brother announced his death to the New York Times. Born on August 2, 1955, into a New York family haunted by violence and abuse, Caleb's father was Lucien Carr, a Beat Generation journalist convicted of murder in 1944 and suspected of being a sexual predator. The stabbing, which made news and history also because Lucien's friend and Columbia University classmate Jack Kerouac helped make the knife disappear, was recounted in the movie. Kill your darlings from 2013 with Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan. Author of 11 books, including The Italian Secretary (2005) and the detective novel Surrender, New York (2016), Alienitsta was released in 1994 by Mondadori (then in 2017 by Newton Compton). It recounts the life of a child psychiatrist, Laszlo Kreizler, in 1890, determined to solve a case of young transvestites killed and mutilated.

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