Rome, the case of the girls stung in the discotheque while dancing. The owner of Opus Club: “I gave the videos to the police”

Rome nightclub owner Andrea Barberis doesn't understand Club Opus, violence that occurred in his restaurant. In recent days, two young girls aged 21 and 23 were attacked with a sharp object while they were dancing. The nightclub had just reopened after eight days of forced closure ordered by the police commissioner due to numerous episodes of violence. We do not yet know what type of object it was: if it was a knife or if it could be Needle spiking, the phenomenon of treacherous stings which alarmed France and Spain last summer. The owner of Opus announced today that he had handed over security camera footage to police, in which the injured victims can be seen emerging from the crowd. “It seemed to be a quiet evening, there were 40 bodyguards on duty, I had practically 'militarized' the place precisely for a more than safe reopening and yet… It was around two in the morning, I had 400 guests inside, when the alarm went off, we immediately called the police and an ambulance, even though we always have one on site,” says Barberis. Corriere della Sera.

What's in the videos

The owner reports that when the alarm went off, they attempted to identify the attackers by blocking exits and arresting some suspects so they could be identified by authorities. But all in vain. “We watched the video images from the cameras for hours. I deliberately wanted to place over thirty cameras, most of them indoors. Unfortunately, we only saw the group of girls who suddenly moved away from the crowd on the track,” explains Barberis. “Without any possible suspicion – he concludes – and even fewer signs, we found that he There had been no arguments or problems with other customers. In the case of the two girls, maybe it was a crazy person, I don't think we can talk about danger in this place.”

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