Rome, police headquarters close Opus Club nightclub after knife attack on two twenty-year-olds

The Opus nightclub in Rome's Flaminio district was closed for 10 days after two girls aged 21 and 23 were injured with a sharp object while dancing last Sunday. This is the decision of the Rome police headquarters following the attack which frightened the nightlife of the capital. We do not yet know with certainty what type of object could have stung the two girls, one in the leg and the other in the behind with a 14-day prognosis: if it was a knife or s It could be a new case of needling, this phenomenon of treacherous injections which alarmed France and Spain last summer. The two young people in their twenties were on the track when around 2:30 a.m. they felt the sharp object hurt them. On the evening of the incident, the restaurant had just reopened after eight days of forced closure ordered by the Police Commissioner due to numerous episodes of violence.

What happened and the girls' story

In recent days, the owner Andrea Barberis announced that he had delivered the images from the video surveillance cameras. However, at the moment, it seems that no particular details have emerged from the videos, which only show the scene in which the girl group suddenly emerges from the crowd onto the runway. “It seemed to be a quiet evening, there were 40 bodyguards on duty, I had practically 'militarized' the place precisely for a more than safe reopening. It was around two in the morning, I had 400 guests inside, when the alarm went off we immediately called the police and an ambulance, although we always have one on site,” said Barberis. “We were hit by a sharp object. When we realized what had happened, we turned around and saw a person walking away,” the two victims told rescuers and police who responded to the scene. place. One said it looked like a sharp needle, the other said it could be a knife. For the moment, the attacker has not yet been identified and is therefore on the run.

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