Rome, Chiara Nasti and Mattia Zaccagni's house burglarized. The influencer's anger: “This is Italy, you assholes”

“This is Italy. Pieces of shit.” This is the caustic comment of the influencer Chiara Nasti when reporting on her social networks the theft that occurred in recent hours in the house in Rome that she shares with the footballer Mattia Zaccagni. A very bitter surprise, and it is not the first time, discovered when returning home on Sunday around 5:30 p.m. The photo published by the influencer on Instagram shows in particular a series of Rolex boxes and empty jewelry boxes, in an apartment that seems in complete disarray. From what has been done so far
Observed by the police, alerted by Nasti herself, the thieves allegedly entered through a bathroom window: once in the bedroom, they then devastated the furniture and wardrobes and opened the safe. The value of the loot taken by the criminals, including bags, shoes, watches and jewelry, remains to be quantified. Already in recent months, the couple – who are expecting the arrival of a second child after Thiago, born in November 2022 – had been the victim of a burglary at their home.

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