Rocco Siffredi accused of harassment, journalist's complaint: “Now I take psychotropic drugs for anxiety”

A journalist reported that Rocco Siffredi accused him of being the victim of sexual harassment during telephone and chat conversations with the porn actor after an interview. The story is reported by Corriere della Serarecounting how the journalist contacted the actor's entourage with a view to the release of the television series SuperSex then received inappropriate messages and compliments, the contents of which were attached to the complaint filed at the Prati police station in Rome. The journalist contacted the actor in January to ask for an interview and Siffredi asked her to go to the press office of the streaming platform on which the series will be broadcast. “There was an exchange of messages between us, initially conversational and nice,” she explains in the complaint, adding that Siffredi began to give her the first “compliments” for her appearance, “we did not had no confidence but I don't give any weight to the matter because I am used to the flattery of the people I interview. Finally, the meeting took place, after the release of the product, at the Hotel Parco dei Principi: two hours of questions and answers that are recorded with the consent of the interviewee. Shortly after the meeting ended, the text messages and voicemails began. Like this one, reported by Mail: “You’re really nice, so cute and well… can I tell you? When I held you in my arms, I couldn't say much more, but well… well… let's forget the fact that you were touching me and that it really felt a little special. But I told you to tell yourself that you are truly a woman at the top, at the top of femininity.”

Insults and vowels

As a courtesy to Siffrdi, the interview was proofread by the actor before publication. The actor asks the production to intervene to obtain the deletion of certain passages, but the journalist emphasizes that he simply used the actor's sentences that he recorded. Ultimately, to avoid further conflict, these passes are removed. But after publication, he received another voicemail in which, despite heavy allusions to his sex life, he said: “I read your article and I have to say that when fate tells you not to meet this person because 'she's wrong, my nature always leads. me to find out why: you are not a journalist, you are a profiteer, you make a lot of effort to sell your inflated articles. Delete from here because the manager asked you to and add from there. Well, have a nice life, women“. The journalist responds, defends her article and explicitly responds that she does not intend to comment on the sexual insinuations, but that if they continue, she will be obliged to denounce them. He complained to the producer of the television series and received further messages in the following days. And he decides to report to the police station. “All this made me very agitated and so I turned to my doctor, who prescribed medication for my anxiety and abdominal cramps,” explains the journalist and her lawyer Laura Sgrò who filed a complaint for harassment and – for certain chat content – ​​sexual harassment.

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