Roberto Vecchioni sued for defamation by La Russa's son, 1997 episode: “Geronimo stole from my daughter's party”

Roberto Vecchioni was questioned by the judicial police of the Florence public prosecutor's office after the defamation complaint filed against him by the eldest son of the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa. It was the singer himself who asked to be heard by the Florentine magistrates, after the closure of the investigations against him. Accompanied by his lawyers, Vecchioni went to question the investigators to clarify his position and especially the facts which are at the center of the complaint, the most recent and the oldest. In July, during the La Gaberiana festival in the Tuscan capital, he told journalist Andrea Scanzi and the audience present an anecdote dating back to 1997. At the time, on the occasion of his daughter's 14th birthday, celebrated at the house, a group of older boys entered the house and took some items. The young people were identified, but no investigation was opened against them. “One of these boys was named Geronimo,” Vecchioni said, omitting his last name, although the audience had a clear idea of ​​which boy the singer-songwriter was referring to. Geronimo La Russa, then aged 17, felt he was being harassed and filed a complaint against Vecchioni, who now wanted to explain his version of the facts to investigators.

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