Roberto Vecchioni and the protests of young people: “Adults want to repress them because they don’t understand them”

Roberto Vecchioni defends children who take to the streets. In an interview given to The imprint the professor explains that “first of all, it is impossible for young people to demonstrate in front of institutions, the palaces of power, the police. The only limit that must not be crossed is that of violence in demonstrations. But in the latest cases, there has been no violence. » Vecchioni says that in his opinion “freedom of expression must be absolute and I repeat, the only limit must be the use of violence. But there are no others. The possibility, capacity and immediacy of being able to express one's opinion in front of everyone must be absolutely guaranteed. And not only does our Constitution guarantee it, which would already be sufficient, but a much higher morality: from the fact that we are free by birth, as well as by civilization. »

The rules

For Vecchioni, it is “important that each event has rules. But to put it mildly, what a strange thing it is. But it is not true that protest must necessarily be anarchic. In itself, the protest must have precise rules. Let's also use the word education, because the education of a protest serves to do it well, to bring it to a result.” While the adults want to repress them “because the young people express themselves with their own language, with their own way of communicating and that not everyone has the ability and willingness to listen. Children often live with great inner anger, with a frightening need to communicate. Even if some seem to display that they already have all the answers, in reality they live with so many inner questions that seek an answer.”

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