Renzo Bossi on his indicted brother: “I haven't heard from him for years.” And he denies citizenship income: “I never received it, sue whoever wrote it”

Renzo Bossi, Umberto's other son, denies ever having received the citizen's income and categorically denies the Repubblica's indiscretion, according to which the two sons of the founder of the League received the subsidy. Renzo, now known as “The Trout”, unlike his brother, is not under investigation and is clearly distancing himself from him. On this subsidy that according to Repubblica he would have received for a few months between 2020 and 2021, Renzo Bossi told Adnkronos: “I never applied for the citizen's income and therefore I never received a euro of support , this is something that does not concern me, since I have been working with my companies for years. »

His brother Riccardo is the subject of an investigation by the Varese public prosecutor's office for false certificates with which he allegedly received the citizen's income from 2020 to 2023. Around 12 thousand euros in total, the investigators claim, as a contribution to the rent of 'a house from which, however, he had already been evicted because he was in arrears. The two brothers no longer have any contact, explains Renzo Bossi: “It has been years since I have had any contact with my brother Riccardo and I am the first to say that justice must take its course in the case of crimes committed by anyone. I too started legal proceedings in 2012 which then went nowhere, with an acquittal.” The reference is to accusations of embezzlement during the period when he was regional councilor of Lombardy.

However, behind the timing of the closure of the investigations into his brother, Renzo Bossi somehow sees a strange coincidence with the vote in Abruzzo on Sunday March 10. “We are faced with a defamatory article which, by chance, is published on the eve of an important vote like the one in Abruzzo, dragging me into a matter that does not concern me at all, which is why I have already instructed my lawyer to proceed for defamation against the newspaper and the journalists who wrote these lies.”

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