Quarrel within the government over the Superbonus, Tajani insists: “It's Giorgetti's proposal, I was never consulted.” The clash with the Minister of the Northern League

There is a very bitter conflict within the government over the obligation to spread Superbonus credits over 10 years between the Minister of the Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, who announced the rule triggering the alarm of banks and businesses, and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, against the Mef initiative of which he complains was kept essentially in ignorance. According to the leader of Forza Italia, the amendment expected in the Senate Finance Committee “does not agree with the government. I also serve the interests of the Italians,” he said after Giorgetti’s passionate response. The Northern League minister’s proposal is “his proposal, not that of the government – ​​insists Tajani on the sidelines of an event in Milan – because I have never been consulted. We will evaluate the content.

What worries Tajani is above all the hypothesis according to which the rule would be retroactive, “because it is a legal principle which, in my opinion, does not work. So I want to hear from the banks, I want to hear from businesses to give their opinion. But there is no controversy.” But in fact, the controversy had already started a few hours ago, with Giorgetti inviting people not to attack “the fantasies” which appear in the newspapers before having read the texts But before that, the Minister of the Economy had been peremptory towards Tajani, who had expressed his doubts about the credits spread over 10 years: “I have a responsibility and I defend the interests of Italy. as Minister of Finance, is that clear?” Giorgetti said on the sidelines of the Investopia event.

Regarding the Superbonus, Tajani declared: “I have some doubts about the retroactivity of the latest proposal from Minister of the Economy Giorgetti.” The Deputy Prime Minister, guest of the Family Business Forum, in Lecco, added: “Like Forza Italia, we want to listen to businesses and banks to understand if there is damage or if we need to intervene in Parliament to make proposals, without prejudice to the essential intervention to stop the damage of the Superbonus”. The head of Farnesina and leader of Forza is also doubtful about the change in repayments from four-five to ten years, which is “perhaps too much “. “Based on Giorgetti's statements in Parliament that the amendment aims to recover at least 2.4 billion in 2025-2026, it can be estimated that at least 16 billion of works currently underway will be affected.” Ance said it to ANSA, regarding the work potentially affected by the installment payment obligation.

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