Pope Francis against gender ideology: “It erases differences and makes everything the same; it's erasing humanity” – The video

Pope Francis attacks gender ideology. “It is very important that there is this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the worst danger is gender ideology, which cancels differences,” Bergoglio said during the audience with the participants in the “Man-Woman” conference. image of God. For an anthropology of vocations.” “I asked to carry out studies on this ugly ideology of our time – added the Pontiff – which erases differences and makes everything the same; to erase difference is to erase humanity. But man and woman are in a fruitful “tension.” I remember reading a novel from the beginning of the 20th century, written by the son of the Archbishop of Canterbury (ed. Robert Hugh Benson): The Lord of the World . The novel talks about the future and is prophetic, because it shows this tendency to erase all differences. It's interesting to read it, if you have the time, because there are these problems of today; this man was a prophet.”

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