Plaisance, sudden illness for Gianluca Grignani during a performance in a club

Great apprehension for Gianluca Grignani who had a “sudden illness” on the night of Sunday March 3 to Monday March 4, as reported by the newspaper Freedom of Plaisance, while he was performing in a hall in the province of Plaisance. The 51-year-old, protagonist of the 2023 edition of the Sanremo Festival, felt unwell on stage and the emergency services were immediately called. When help arrived, the singer received first aid and a Red Cross team transported him to the Guglielmo Da Saliceto Hospital, where he spent the entire night under observation as a precautionary measure, before go out Monday morning. In less than three weeks, with the zero date in Fontaneto d'Agogna in the Novara region on March 22, begins his tour Vestiges of rock'n'roll which will take him across Italy, from Milan to Rome, from Turin to Bari, from Naples to Florence, to Pordenone and Senigallia.

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