Piotta's infamous night, in the new album love for his deceased brother: “This is how I survived the pain” – The interview

Is titled 'An infamous night the new album by Tommaso Zanello, known to everyone as Piotta. The tenth album he has signed, even if the count rises to eleven if we consider the splendid soundtrack of the series Subura, which essentially served as a bridge for the distribution of his music worldwide. And a clarification must also be made concerning the signature, because this new album brings another one alongside, the last name is the same, Zanello, the name is different, it is in fact Fabio, the older brother of Piotta, recently appreciated writer and essayist and died prematurely. But Piotta's is certainly not an exercise in rhetoric, a simple homage, a dedication, a way like any other of allowing the figure of the beloved brother to persist, in his history and also in that of those who listen to him. . No, 'An infamous night (which takes the title of the novel 'An infamous blowwhose author is Fabio Zanello himself) is an album that explores the horizontal relationship between two brothers, both present in this album, also vocally, as in the title song, in God be praised and particularly in the poignant, marvelous, Roman Ode. The Piotta we find is mature again, however he has become a 50 year old man, he could act as a father to Great coffee that we loved so much and which, after more than twenty years however, by trying to contextualize it in today's discography, we perceived it as pure and brilliant satirical intellectualism. This new work closes a sort of trilogy begun years ago with Interior 7, in which the throbbing need became a deep and intimate story, absolutely poetic and composed of songs, without ever giving in to the contributions of the recording industry. This continued with Subura, where at the center are somehow the vices and virtues of his Rome, and ends with certainly the most painful chapter of this journey, as an artist and as a man. “In misfortune and tragedy, for the umpteenth time, I thanked the day I fell in love with music, because I have the privilege, in misfortune, of processing grief, of working with it and of 'try to elevate it to a collective form' said to Open, confessing all the love and possible connection with music and with these eleven songs, eleven steps to exhaust such gigantic mourning. In reality we could consider stages 12 because in parallel with the album Tommaso Zanello also signs the novel with his brother Courses Triestepublished by La Nave di Teseo, an even more precise two-voice narration of their life in Rome, how it developed and how the lives of two brothers can complement each other until uniting in a love that knows no human barriers.

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