“My son in a coma because of a piece of cheese, now he has nothing to do”

On June 5, 2017, Mattia Maestri ate a piece of cheese produced with Due Laghi raw milk from the social dairy of Coredo in Val di Non. The product, it was later discovered, was contaminated with Escherichia coli. The 4-year-old boy contracts hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). The child arrives in Santa Chiara di Trento in a very serious condition. But the pediatrician is “too tired” to evaluate the case. It is for this reason that she was taken to court for injuries and refusal of official acts. While the president of the dairy Lorenzo Biasi and the cheesemaker Gianluca Fornasari were sentenced by the magistrate for very serious injuries to a fine of only 2,478 euros. Gian Battista Maestri, Mattia's father, today tells his story to Corriere della Sera.

The coma

“For seven years, our life has been hell, since our son was in a vegetative state, but we continue to fight because such tragedies must not happen again,” explains the man. Who then adds: “Of course, there is a lot of anger towards the doctor, these three days have been important, but the main fault remains the dairy, if my son had not eaten this cheese, everything would be fine. However, it was a product specifically recommended for children's snacks. » Then he recounts the day of the accident: “After eating cheese – he was fond of it – my son immediately felt sick, we rushed first to the hospital in Cles where they took him kept under observation, then seeing the worsening situation they transferred him to Trento. In the pediatric emergency room, the doctor who visited him asked for a consultation with the pediatrician, who however replied: not now, I'm tired and I've been running all day. We heard it.”

The doctor

Gian Battista says that the doctor, a surgeon, “at that time, took him to his department where he was operated on for appendicitis, in these conditions, but that was not it. If the pediatrician had examined him, at least they wouldn't have operated on him and maybe his condition wouldn't have gotten worse.” Rather. “Instead, he fell into a coma and was hospitalized for a month in the intensive care of the hospital in Padua and for a year in a rehabilitation clinic in Conegliano, where we could only be taught how to treat him at home. an incurable vegetative state. My wife stopped and left From then on, she managed it day and night: 47 medications a day, one every hour and a half.” According to the father “there is nothing more to be done for my son, he is getting more and more serious, the last hospitalization was two weeks ago. The disease does not stop, but we would like it to be respected.”

What is Seu

HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome) is a disease that affects children by the formation of small blood clots throughout the body. The clots block the blood supply to the brain, heart and kidneys. Treatment includes essential life support and hemodialysis. Kidney damage causes a buildup of urea in the blood. It is generally linked to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Clots block blood vessels and their blockage causes organ damage. Their presence also indicates excessive consumption of platelets. With risk of thrombocytopenia.

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