Modena, migrant beaten by a carabinieri. “I'm still in the hospital, I want to report” – The video

A video is currently circulating on social networks. This comes from the page “Welcome to the favelas» and shows the aggression during a stop in Modena by a carabinieri soldier towards a boy from Guinea. In the images, we can see the man, already standing in front of the military car, being hit in the face by the police officer. “I want to make a report. They beat me for no reason, I did nothing,” the 23-year-old young man arrested for resisting a public agent and damaging a police car told ANSA. “Yesterday morning, I was waiting the bus – he said – the police asked me for my papers and I didn't have them. I explained to him that I could call one of my friends who would bring them to me. But they wanted to throw me in the car. I work , I have never done anything wrong.” The Guinean appears to have arrived in Italy seven years ago as an unaccompanied minor. He is said to have crossed the Mediterranean aboard a boat and then, once in Modena, found work as a diver. Over time, he was promoted to kitchen assistant and now works regularly in a restaurant in the province. “I'm still not well, I'm in the hospital and I've had X-rays,” he explained. “They didn't listen to me when I told them that I wanted to call a friend for the documents, but they started to beat me and wanted to throw me in the car,” the young man added to Ansa. The 23-year-old is assisted by lawyer Barbara Bettelli. Yesterday, during the hearing to validate his arrest, he said he had been “hit in the face and leg”. “Modena has never seen anything like this, until now I had only seen things like this in American films. They resorted to unnecessary violence. If a person resists legitimate control, they must be contained and not beaten,” explains the lawyer.

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