Minister Piantedosi and the demonstrations of October 7: “Risk of radicalization”

After the clashes in Rome during the Palestinian Youth demonstration in Piazzale Ostiense, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said there was no specific information about an increased risk of attacks. But “there is a growing radicalization of certain positions and the clear suggestion of some to overcome the challenges of the crisis that emerged with the attacks of last October 7 with the aim of renewing behaviors and destabilization projects, creating a climate of tension “. All this, he said, forced us to raise all prevention and protection activities to the highest level to defend sensitive objectives. The police forces, as always, have put in place services and measures with the aim of avoiding possible critical problems, especially on the occasion of an anniversary like this.

Islamist radicalization

According to Piantedosi, “it is especially in relation to the worsening crisis in the Middle East that we see clear repercussions on our country, like what is happening throughout the world. As we have mentioned, this constitutes the main factor of concern in the face of possible growing processes of Islamist radicalization and because it represents a call to action on the part of those who belong to the different areas of antagonism, always looking for topics to discuss. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, however, exposes us to all the risks of hybrid warfare and propaganda that can affect us and all NATO allies. ” Regarding lone wolves, however, “the maximum prevention commitment implemented so far has been of great importance: to name just one figure, since October 7 we have expelled our territory 90 people who represented a risk to national security.”

The ban

Piantedosi says the facts showed that banning the police station was necessary: ​​“It was a decision based on objective elements thanks to which it was possible to prevent groups of violent people from merging even more easily into a much larger demonstration, to achieve the only real goal of expressing violence. And this was already clear from the proclamations that had accompanied some advance warnings of the demonstration, even with unacceptable references to the desire to celebrate a massacre. » And to conclude: “By containing the demonstrators with balance, the police forces saved the center of Rome from probable violence and damage which would have been difficult to control. In the footage we have seen, there is evidence of the validity of the reasoning behind issuing the ban.”

The article Minister Piantedosi and the demonstrations of October 7: “Risk of radicalization” comes from Open.

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