Former model Ilaria Capponi's complaint: “On the catwalks, we eat cotton to lose weight.” Platinette’s shocking response: “He has a low ass”

Ilaria Capponi worked as a model for years while playing professional basketball. But on February 7, the third winner of Miss Italy 2007, now 34 years old, decided to say enough. The reason? Despite a physique that many can define as enviable – 1.81 m, visible abs and size 42 – she is considered too fat to walk the catwalks. A situation that Capponi personally denounced on his Instagram profile. It is thanks to this experience that the now former model was invited on the afternoon of March 16, 2024 to the studio of the television show Rai 1. Italy Yesthe day after that of Fiocchetto Lilla, aimed at raising awareness of eating disorders, cases of which continue to increase in our country.

“Models eat like grasshoppers”

Capponi told journalist Gianluca Semprini, Marco Liorni's replacement for this episode, that when she played basketball in Serie A she was told her legs were too big and that when she walked on the podium she saw her colleagues eat cotton to satisfy yourself without gaining weight. She herself suffered from bulimia in the past, in response to pressure on her fitness. Also invited to the show are Guillermo Mariotto, creator of the Lecco Gattinoni clothing brand, and Mauro Coruzzi, alias Platinette. Both engage in disrespectful remarks towards the models, almost always pushed to an unhealthy thinness. The stylist says the opposite of what the former model says, while the radio host comments vulgarly on the woman's exit from the studio.

“He has a small ass anyway”

Mariotto says it's “better to dress models than feed them” because “they eat like grasshoppers because they're big anyway.” And he asks: What do you want it to be like when you eat cotton?” too fat” to walk the runway in her place. Mariotto says her models are 6 feet tall and 34 inches wide at the hips. Coruzzi enters the conversation, saying Capponi can be “a very good model with his charm.” But when Capponi walks away, Platinette follows her with her gaze and says: “Anyway, her ass is short.” Commentary which was cut from the full version of the episode uploaded to RaiPlay.

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