Meloni chooses the same doctor sought by Conte. During the pandemic, he vaccinated the Prime Minister

It is one of the rare decisions – perhaps the only one – that Giuseppe Conte and Giorgia Meloni have taken together: the choice of the competent doctor who should ensure health surveillance at the presidency of the Council of Ministers. Meloni has in fact entrusted again, as was published in the transparent administration section of Palazzo Chigi, the function, which includes an annual remuneration of 35 thousand euros plus VAT, to Dr. Giulia Castellani, who was chosen by the Prime Minister from the Conte era in 2020. .

He also took care of Farnesina for eight years

Castellani has a long career as a competent Palace doctor: for four years she held this position in the Chamber of Deputies, for 8 years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for 7 years at the Agency for Digital Italy, for two years to the national body of flight attendants, for another two years at the superintendence of architectural and environmental heritage of the Lazio region, for 4 years in Ispra and for five years at the National Research Council and at the Don Opera Guanella. He obtained the same position in many private companies, from Italgas to Agip Petroli, from Tecnosistemi to Totalerg and Basf.

The Palazzo Chigi vaccinator

Castellani arrived at Palazzo Chigi at a special moment in Italian health history: in September 2020, in the midst of the Covid pandemic emergency. She was thus one of the directors of the operation to protect the staff of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers against the pandemic and also of the subsequent vaccination campaign which saw her as a protagonist in the end of the Conte bis government. Her contract would have only lasted one year, but Draghi also chose to continue with her, leaving her with a two-year deal that expired last October. Given the relationship of trust with the presidency, Meloni ultimately preferred not to change doctors. And he chose Castellani again for another year.

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