Massacres of 1993, former prosecutor Boccassini indicted by the Florence prosecutor's office for failing to reveal his source

Former magistrate Ilda Boccassini, heard at the Florence prosecutor's office, said nothing of what she knew about the source of the journalist Giuseppe D'Avanzo, a detail reported in her book “Stanza number 30”. And for this reason, the Florentine prosecutor accuses him today of the crime of false information to the prosecutor aggravated by the type of investigation in which the incriminating statements were made, that is to say that of the mafia massacres of 93 . The summons of the now former toga (he has now been retired for 5 years) to the Florence prosecutor's office, also in the presence of the Caltanissetta magistrates, dates back to December 14, 2021. At the time, the prosecutors asked him for clarification. on a journalistic scoop concerning the flow of money intended for Silvio Berlusconi. In his book, Boccassini does not cite the source and does not even do so to the magistrates. Today you received a notice of conclusion of the investigation.

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