Marina Berlusconi fears 'right-wing extremists' and is 'in tune with the left' on civil rights

Maria Elvira Berlusconi, known as Marina, gives a long interview today to Corriere della Sera to talk about the new publishing house Mondadori. Which “He will be called Silvio Berlusconi Editore and will have a single slogan: freedom. It will not only be a tribute to my father, but an editorial project which aims to give more strength to liberal and democratic thought, against all forms of totalitarianism, in the name of this freedom which only ends where that of others begins. .” And speaking of freedom, he also thinks of civil rights: “Everyone must be free to make their own choices.” While he denies for the umpteenth time his intentions to enter the field: “Absolutely not, neither today, nor in the future.

Marina, Silvio and freedom

The name is the same as that used by his father for the man who, in the 90s, published some classics, from Erasmus of Rotterdam to Karl Marx. And this at a time when “the success of movements with anti-democratic ideas in the European elections can only be worrying. Concerns about the consequences of the next vote in the United States are increasing. » For Silvio's eldest daughter, “the fundamental problem is that our world, the West, is going through a terrible identity crisis. Look at what is happening in the squares, in the universities… There is a protest in favor of Hamas, but behind it lies a deep contempt for the West. Look at this kind of autoimmune disease called Cancel Culture, where everything our civilization has built needs to be thrown away. What's more worrying than a great culture that denies itself?”


Marina's analysis turns to Europe: “I think that a very deep reflection must be carried out in Brussels. Behind the spread of certain anti-democratic sympathies there is also a growing intolerance, almost anger, towards a Europe of too much control, dirigisme, bureaucracy. However, the answer certainly cannot be to lock ourselves within our own boundaries. On the contrary, we need a stronger and more cohesive Europe, capable of making citizens see all the benefits of true unity. Unambiguous on values ​​like freedom and democracy, starting with support for Ukraine. In short, Europe can be our salvation, or, be careful, our ruin.”

It's Italy

Regarding the democratic emergency in Italy, Marina's response is very clear: “I really don't see it. This government has always fully respected the rules of democracy and, in foreign policy, it has maintained the high bar regarding pro-European and pro-Atlantic positions. And then, good God, there are also subjects on which we can more or less agree…”. Then he astonishes everyone: “If we talk about abortion, end of life or human rights LGBTQ, I feel more in tune with the common sense left Because everyone must be free to choose Here too, you see, we come back to the fundamental question, the one on which I do not think we can go back. of an inch: the question of freedom.”

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