King Charles could cut Prince Andrew's funding as punishment for failing to maintain Windsor Royal Lodge.

It seems that Prince Andrew, brother of King Charles, is facing some economic problems. This is revealed in some images showing Windsor Royal Lodge, the house where he lives with his ex-wife Sarah, Duchess of York: the property appears decadent, with the plaster crumbling at various points on the exterior and without the planned renovation. for by the contract. For this reason, Her Majesty intends to reduce the funds available to her if he does not agree to move to another residence, namely a new house at Frogmore Cottage. British media recall that the prince no longer has official duties after being forced to resign due to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. The Duke of York would not have been able to raise the £400,000 needed each year to maintain the residence, which has 30 bedrooms and is valued at £30 million. According to a source who spoke to Times, “if he refuses to leave within a reasonable time frame, then the king may be forced to re-evaluate the entire support program he provides. The Duke would be required to finance the lion's share: he would bear security, accommodation and lifestyle costs, which, given the sums involved, is very unlikely to be possible in the long term. »

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