Juan Jesus' reaction to Acerbi's acquittal: Napoli defender's protest against racism

Juan Jesus writes nothing after the acquittal of Francesco Acerbi by the sports judge. But the Napoli defender chose to use a new profile image on social media to protest, after accusing the Nerazzurri defender of directing a racist insult to him. The Brazilian chooses the image of a closed fist pointing towards the other. A detail from a black and white photo which seems to recall a famous photo which has now remained in history. This is the famous demonstration that took place at the 1968 Mexico Olympics, when American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, gold and silver respectively in the 200 meters, stood on the podium raising their fists to the sky. A gesture which recalled the fights against racism of the Black Power movement and more recently recalled the demonstrations in the United States promoted by the Black Lives Matter movement.

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