“Jorit?” A very intelligent and useful vertical madonnaro for Putin's propaganda”

Gennaro Carillo, full professor of the history of political thought at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, says that Ciro Cerullo, alias Jorit, is “a very intelligent vertical madonna. This is also confirmed by the fact that we comment on his words. But we live in an age where we don't pay much attention to the distinction between oleography, local folklore and art. It seems that the only measure that matters is easy, trauma-free consent. » Carillo speaks in an interview with Morning from Naples. In his conversation with Antonio Menna, he emphasizes that “Putin is frightening precisely because he is human. It's like her, like me and like Jorit. It is the possibility that evil lurks within each of us that is frightening. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin also patted children on the heads. And Hitler was a – terrible – amateur painter. This is all very human. But it would be appropriate for Jorit to go and talk about Putin's humanity with Vera Politkovskaya, Anna's daughter, or with the relatives and friends of the many dissidents who met the same end.”

Underground and antagonists

The professor emphasizes that “the world of antagonism is not a monolith. It is complex and internally contradictory. Some antagonists, for example, had no ideological qualms in supporting neofascist fringes during the devastation of the CGIL headquarters. This episode was the subject of great collective repression, perhaps because it benefited from authoritative endorsements, at the political and media level. » And he explains that “unconditional admiration for Putin is based on the seduction that the charismatic leader has always exerted on the Italian imagination. It is therefore explained by eros, rather than by a rational argument, as Gadda wrote about consent to Mussolini. »


The teacher is clear about the so-called Western propaganda that Jorit speaks about: “In war – and this time, despite the euphemisms, it is – propaganda always plays a decisive role. This is why we can never thank enough the journalists who risk their lives to try to tell the facts, to distance themselves from the official report, which always expresses a biased point of view. However, I believe that Putin is not the product of propaganda against him. She's not Jessica Rabbit. He doesn't need anyone to draw him as he appears to us. He does it very well on his own.”

The conspiracy theory

Finally, regarding the analogies between the pro-Russian (or pro-Putin) front and conspiracy theorists, Carillo explains that “we are facing a timely resurgence of the false Protocols of the Elders of Zion. There is a conspiratorial, paranoid and homophobic international which first denied the very existence of Covid then identified Putin as the bulwark of the defense of tradition, threatened by a great conspiracy hatched by a so-called “globalist” elite. These are the same people who applaud Orban and cling to the lips of Dugin, the ideologue who thinks that only a Greater Russia can stem the anti-Christian drift of the West. A landfill which, according to Dugin, involves, in a very Christian way, the physical elimination of the Ukrainian people.”

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