Iva Zanicchi: “In Emilia, matriarchy reigns. And I vote for Giorgia Meloni because she is a woman”

Iva Zanicchi is 84 years old and has decided to stop working next year. In the meantime, he tells his story in an interview with The imprint. From his nickname, the eagle of Ligonchio: “It was a Rai manager who gave it to me, when he learned that I was from the Emilian Apennines, then Mike Bongiorno broadcast it to the radio which, at the time, was as important as television. This seemed to be a response to the Cremona tiger, Mina: “They always put us in opposition, but in reality she started first and I always admired her. She broke the feminine mold, without gloves or dresses on stage, but she banged her head and shook her body and hair. Not to mention the unique musicality of his voice.”

Eagles, tigers and panthers

Without forgetting Milva, the panther from Goro: “At first, she struck me with her red hair cap and her ballet flats that I had not yet been able to buy. She became my mother's favorite singer, a natural bass, while I am an alto.” Today, he says, Sanremo is a revolution: Amadeus has accomplished a miracle. Listening groups are forming at home young people, including my twenty-year-old niece. I tell young people that rap and rock are good, but let's not forget our melody. Diodato is a positive example.” She also likes “Lazza, J-Ax and I would like Annalisa as a niece: she is refined even with a suspender belt and has perfect intonation. When he gets tired of singing commercial songs, he will be very lucky, because those won't stay while the melodies will. »


On patriarchy he says that “in the Emilian Apennines I always heard about matriarchy. In our house, the rezdora with the rolling pin was in charge and woe betide if the man on his return from the fields contradicted her.” Regarding feminicides, he says that “we must recover the educational role of the family, but also a little education and bravery. The male of today is no longer a male. At the first difficulty, he appears weak and cowardly. We too, women, have our faults, because we have caused fear to men. The roles must be re-discussed and rebalanced.” Today, he says, he believes in Giorgia Meloni: “Tajani was an exceptional colleague, but perhaps I like Meloni more. And then I would like to support a woman.”


Finally, she reveals, she was never with Berlusconi: “I was never his wife and he never asked me, but we loved each other very much. He was very generous. I followed him into politics, even if he didn't want to. He couldn't do what he planned to do also because they massacred him and he also had a say in women, but if Forza Italia holds up in his memory, that will mean something.”

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