Ischia, the mystery of the rubber tube around Antonella Di Massa's neck

There is another mystery in the mystery of Antonella Di Massa, found dead in Ischia by correspondents Who saw ?. A mystery involving a small rubber tube found around the corpse's neck. Which almost looks like a noose. While a black bag covered the head of the corpse. Both elements tend to support the thesis of the suicide of the 51-year-old woman from Casamicciola Terme in Ischia with some bruises on her body. Mother of two children, she disappeared on February 17. After leaving a note at home. With her Fiat Panda, she reached Succhivo, a hamlet in the municipality of Serrana Fontana. In the meantime, the first results of the autopsy are awaited. But apparently the woman did not choke to death. Because there was no bruise around the neck of the corpse.

The hypothesis

The investigations are coordinated by prosecutor Gloria Sanseverino. Prosecutor Giuseppe Tittaferrante is investigating, and an important clue remains the bottle of antifreeze found near the body. Antonella may have died from ethylene glycol poisoning. In these cases, after ingestion, people die within a few hours. From this point of view, the bruises on the body could also be explained. Which are compatible with the state of agitation of those who may have ingested harmful substances. But there is another hypothesis he is talking about today The morning. In other words, the tube (or noose) and the bag could be part of a set-up. Precisely with the aim of supporting the suicide thesis. Meanwhile, the news of the message left at his home before disappearing has been confirmed. And who initially supported the thesis of voluntary removal.

The research

Even if the suicide theory was finally confirmed, the mystery of the eleven-day gap between the woman's disappearance and the discovery of her body would still remain unsolved. Initial results of the body's examination revealed that Di Massa had been dead for 24 hours when her body was found on land owned by an elderly couple in the area. So what did he do in his remaining time? The theory that the woman wandered into the woods is not very credible because molecular dogs were used in the search and would most likely have sniffed out her tracks. Just like the Civil Protection drones could have framed it. And then either there were sensational and improbable flaws in the investigation, or she remained hidden somewhere until she learned that the official search had been suspended. And that's when he decided to commit suicide.

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