Inheritance Agnelli, Lapo and Ginevra Elkann also under investigation: the hypothesis of inheritance tax fraud

Lapo Elkann and his sister Ginevra are also under investigation as part of the investigation into the alleged fraudulent declarations of Marella Caracciolo for the years 2018 and 2019. The names of the two Agnelli heirs emerge from the search order of the financial police ordered by the deputy prosecutor of Turin, Marco Giaciglio and the prosecutors Mario Bendoni and Giulia Marchetti, as reported by Corriere della Sera. John Elkann was already under investigation as part of the investigation, alongside accountant Gianluca Ferrero and Swiss notary Urs von Grunigen who handled the inheritance of Gianni Agnelli's widow. The investigation would also have been extended to the period relating to the years 2016 and 2017, with increased amounts. Added to this is the hypothesis of fraud against the State, because according to the investigators' hypothesis, with the inheritance in Switzerland, the taxes would not have been paid in Italy.

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