In the House, it's really a magna-magna. In 2023, 400 MPs spent more on food than their 630 predecessors.

If we read the 2023 budget of the Chamber of Deputies, it becomes difficult not to give in to one of the most classic populist slogans, according to which politics “is all a magna-magna”. In this legislature, in fact, there are 400 Italian deputies, 230 fewer than the last legislature due to the constitutional reform approved. The 2022 budget was therefore linked to a Chamber composed of 630 deputies for 9 months and 400 for the last 3 months. The 2023 budget that the Chamber of Montecitorio must approve by the end of July is the first completely post-reform, with the expenditure for every 12 months concerning 400 deputies. In fact, the expenses of the deputies (allowances and reimbursements of expenses) are falling significantly, from 143 to 89 million euros per year. Personnel expenses also decreased slightly, from 174.9 to 169.4 million euros. However, with far fewer MPs and slightly fewer employees, catering costs increased by 10.7%, from 2.175 to 2.36 million euros (231 thousand euros more in one year). Here is the magna-magna documented.

They have not existed since 2012, but even the expenditure on annuities has increased

Even though it has 230 fewer deputies, the Chamber continues to cost Italians the same amount as usual. The endowment fund paid by the Treasury for the operation of the Montecitorio assembly remained at 943.16 million euros in 2023, identical to previous years when there were 630 deputies. This budget that has not changed is a mystery, but it is not the only mystery of the budget. For example, the famous pensions of deputies and their families (there is reversibility) have been formally abolished since 2012 and replaced by a contributory, albeit generous, pension system. However, in 2022, the Chamber spent 85.3 million euros on direct annuities and reversibility annuities. In 2023, this figure increased by another 4.5 million, reaching 89.8 million euros. There is also a mystery regarding the contributions to parliamentary groups, which despite the reduction in the number of deputies have remained unchanged: 30.87 million euros.

The bill billed one year late: for electricity, gas and even the Internet subscription

The second mystery comes from the Montecitorio bills. Of course, the building remains the same even with fewer deputies, as do the light bulbs. However, if the high bill for all Italians was felt especially in 2022, for the Chamber of Deputies the effect took place in 2023. In total, it spent 10.5 million euros on water, gas and electricity, compared to 5.95 million in the previous year. (+77.3%). The water bill remained unchanged, the gas bill increased by 33.3%, but the real blow came from the electricity bill which went from 4.7 to 9 million euros (+92%). Telephone costs also increased, going from 434 thousand to 585 thousand euros in one year (+34.8%) almost solely due to the price increases for the Internet network and its ancillary services. Institutional communication expenses also increased by 375 thousand euros (+12.6%).

Purchase of old books and works of art to enrich the “Montecitorio Museum”

While the Chamber was there, it spent a little more to enrich both its library and its art collection, which is the envy of a real museum. In 2023, 8,657 volumes were purchased at a cost of €817,868. This sum also includes the €2,700 spent on the purchase of 18 old and valuable editions. The art collection, which includes 4,848 works, 552 of which were loaned by third parties, was enriched during the year by 13 additional drawings or engravings. However, in this case, the purchase cost is not indicated.

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