“I do not apologize for Pedretti's death and I will not return to TV”

Instagram post by Lorenzo Biagiarelli @lorenzo.biagiarelli

Instagram post by Lorenzo Biagiarelli

Many have blamed me poor humanity but I cannot and will not apologize, as many have strongly suggested to me, for the death of Giovanna Pedretti which obviously hurts me as a human being, because if I did, I would be yet another person using their death for their own benefit, in my case to rehabilitate myself, covering my head in ashes and begging for mercy. pity of the public square“, says Lorenzo Biagiarelli who returns to social networks after weeks of silence, with a long video on Instagram, where he gives his own version of the case of the suicide of the restaurateur from Lodi who committed suicide after the media storm that he helped expand , regarding the comment made by the woman in response to a homophobic, anti-disability person that later turned out to be instrumental.

Biagiarelli had done it demystificationtriggering the affair, and maintains that at the time of the events the social pillory against women had not been unleashed, as some have claimed, and that on the contrary, after the death of Pedretti, hatred was poured out on him and his partner, Selvaggia Lucarelli: “The famous stigma of incitement to suicide is reserved only for me and my partner, despite the absence of this social stigma towards the restaurateur having been established.“.

And then he explains: “I prefer to keep the doubt, the stigmatization, the suspicion rather than try the path of pity by stating something that I do not mean and I will calmly accept all the consequences of this choice. And I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that unfortunately the conditions no longer exist for me to resume my role in 'It's Always Midday', so you will no longer see me on the air.“.

However, I would like to thank all those who have never stopped showing me affection and there have been many of them, because even if the attempt to destroy me was almost a success, I almost keep that and the solidarity of the many“, adds the chef.

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