His wife denounces him for abuse, but it was she who beat him: “I did it because it was fashionable”

MM, 72, was acquitted by the Rome court of the accusation of ill-treatment because the fact did not exist. The ex-wife had reported it and the investigation dates back to 2014 while in 2019 the then accused was evicted from the home. The woman had denounced “psychological and physical harassment”. Which would have caused him a persistent state of anxiety and fear. Because the scenes took place in front of the twin girls who were then minors. And for this reason, the man was charged with a specific aggravating circumstance. But during the trial, another truth emerged. In other words, she was the one who was harassing him. And to beat him. Or rather: the insults were mutual, just like the slaps. And she, who has a more robust build than him, would also have exploited him to gain the upper hand.

The interrogation

The messenger said today that the truth emerged during the woman's interrogation. “I decided to do a report because I was captivated by the news I was reading on television. We heard so much about this violence and I said to myself: “You never know, I’m going to report it.” But actually, I was the one who hit it hard,” she said. And again: “Mr. Judge, I gave you a few punches and slaps even though I am not a boxing champion.” Also because he himself had ended up in the hospital, with broken ribs from an elbow to the sternum. At the time, the man told doctors he had fallen down the stairs. The girls said that both spouses were responsible for these episodes. The woman also spoke of a knife wound, then admitted that she had done it herself while cutting tomatoes.

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