His license was withdrawn because he was drunk: “But he was on foot”. The case reported by Corona's lawyer

He was not driving his car, but Como police still decided to revoke his license because his alcohol test was positive. The Kafkaesque affair is denounced by lawyer Ivano Chiesa, also lawyer for Fabrizio Corona, who tells Repubblica how the affair began on November 30. The 40-year-old man assisted by Chiesa was in the company of another person and had just left a restaurant in Como: “He had parked in a parking lot between Viale Innocenzo and Via Benzi and the police – explains Chiesa – were inflicting on him rightly fined. for that. So the two friends came closer to see what was happening. The police subjected them both to a breathalyzer test which, for my client, proved to be slightly higher than the authorized values.”

The local police then decided to add the withdrawal of the license to the fine, “even if my client was not driving at the time and had not just gotten out of his car. I repeat: he was on foot.” Together with his colleague Gianmaria Fusetti, Chiesa advised his client to appeal to the justice of the peace, who accepted the appeal. However, it seems that there is no way to get my license back. After the justice of the peace's decision, Chiesa explains that the man went to the prefecture “to get his license back, but the staff objected.” At the prefecture, we asked for confirmations complementary, starting with clinical examinations which “would make it possible to verify my client's fitness to drive”. Chiesa responds that “it was an omission of official acts and that I would have reported them”. But those responsible showed themselves intransigent: “It's the practice”, they reply. The alternative route proposed in the Prefecture was to return to the judge “to integrate the suspensive provision with a complementary declaration ordering the immediate restitution of the document”. What the judge of peace then also agreed to do. The license therefore returned to its owner, but it is not yet the last. The discussion hearing will take place on February 22.

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