Heavy rains in Naples, the Vomero district invaded by a river of mud: houses and shops flooded – Video

Vomero is underwater. Due to heavy rains this morning, Via Solimena in Naples was invaded by a river of mud, causing flooding in the basements of buildings, commercial premises and apartments. Bad weather hit one of the two Vomero roads, via Morghena, already affected by the sinkhole of February 21 which swallowed several cars and injured four people. Residents, alarmed by the event, took to the streets to try to empty the flooded rooms, but without success. According to initial reconstructions, the flow of mud and debris could have been caused by the collapse of a sewer pipe located upstream of the February 21 sinkhole. Rescue teams responded to the scene of the accident, fortunately without reporting any injuries, but with various damages and inconveniences. Shortly before the huge mass of mud engulfed Vomero, residents reported hearing two loud explosions. Noise probably due to the sudden opening of certain store shutters after being hit by water.

The mayor: “Controls in historic sewers”

The mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, spoke on the subject. “There have been water leaks upstream of the sinkhole in recent days. There was immediate intervention with a diversion with pumps to prevent the leak from continuing,” he said announcing the inspections. “We will intervene so that this new leak can be eliminated by intervening on a sanitation system that is more than a hundred years old. The priority for interventions must be on the city's historic sewers, where it is likely that replacements will need to be made,” he added.

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