Harassment at La Sapienza in Rome, 13 complaints in 2023. The rector: “We are working to make the university safer”

There are thirteen reports of sexual harassment and abuse of power collected by La Sapienza University of Rome in 2023. This was revealed by rector Antonella Polimeni during the hearing of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into femicide. The first five reports arrived in the first semester and concern sexual harassment during internships within affiliated structures. “This obviously led to the interruption of the congresses,” said the rector. During the second half of the year, eight reports arrived. Among these, five concern a power relationship between a teacher or a researcher towards women or doctoral students, while one case concerns a relationship between colleagues.

During the hearing, Antonella Polimeni highlighted the actions the university has taken to address the problem of harassment. “At Sapienza, we want all members of the university community to perceive the university as a safe and inclusive place,” said the rector. Among the initiatives promoted are the creation of the figure of the “Trusted Advisor”, but also the opening of the Anti-Violence and Psychological Assistance Center. Added to this are awareness campaigns on the culture of respect, which aim to combat gender violence also at the educational and cultural level.

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