Giuseppe Conte (M5s): “A pact with the Democratic Party to send Giorgia Meloni home”

“I want to send Giorgia Meloni home. And Sardinia can be a first step. » To say it, in an interview with Republic, the leader of the Five Star Movement Giuseppe Conte. The leader of the M5 says he does not like “talking about laboratories, because I think it is disrespectful to Sardinian voters, but it is clear that here, with the Democratic Party, we have presented a strong proposal , embodied by a credible project, competent and honest candidate. It must also be done at the national level, I only ask that there be a serious and authentic project and not an electoral cartel dictated by the necessity and the anxiety of power of the device.”

According to Conte, with the Democrats, “we have to sit around a table and address the problems to arrive at a synthesis, where we start from more distant positions.” Regarding Navalny's death, the M5 president says: “I did not speak clearly now, but already after the poisoning. If I were an advisor to Putin, I would suggest that he let an international commission investigate what happened, but it is obvious that he will not do that.”

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