Apple is negotiating with Google to bring artificial intelligence to the iPhone

Apple and Google are reportedly negotiating a deal to integrate the Gemini artificial intelligence engine into the iPhone. This is the news Bloomberg that the deal would “deeply shake the AI ​​sector”. The two companies are in negotiations to allow the Cupertino company to license Gemini, or Google's set of generative artificial intelligence models, to power some new features coming in 2024 to iPhone software. Apple also recently discussed using its model with Microsoft-backed OpenAI, he added. Bloomberg. The new features, based on internal artificial intelligence models, should be part of the next iPhone iOS 18. And Apple is looking, we read, for a partner to improve the functionalities of the generative part, including those for creating images and essay writing based on simple instructions.

The two companies have not decided on the terms or branding of an AI deal, nor yet finalized how it would be implemented, but a deal is unlikely to be announced before June, when Apple plans to hold its annual Worldwide Developers Conference. But the two companies struck a deal for Google to become the default search engine for Apple's Safari web browser. In February, the Cupertino company's number one, Tim Cook, said that Apple plans to reveal more details about its plans related to the use of generative artificial intelligence by the end of the year, adding that the company is investing “significantly” in the area.

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