Germany, the story of the man who was vaccinated 217 times against Covid (without side effects)

A 62-year-old man was vaccinated 217 times against Covid-19, without experiencing any side effects. The authoritative scientific magazine tells its story, bordering on the improbable The Lancet. The man in question lives in Magdeburg, Germany, and knows full well that he has been vaccinated far more times than the scientific community recommends. His decision, explain the researchers from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität and Erlangen-Nurnberg, was due to “personal reasons”. The more than 200 vaccinations he underwent took place over 29 months and at least 130 of them were confirmed by an investigation by the Magdeburg public prosecutor's office, which investigated the case but without formally charging the man with 62 years old.

When his story was published in some local newspapers, the man was contacted by a team of researchers wishing to study the immunological consequences of hypervaccination. A case more unique than rare, which allowed experts to draw a conclusion: “Hypervaccination against SARS-CoV-2 did not lead to adverse events and increased the amount of antibodies and T lymphocytes without have a strong positive or negative effect on intrinsic quality. adaptive immune responses. In other words, the 62-year-old did not have to experience any significant side effects. Regardless, the results of this study alone are not sufficient to formulate general hypotheses about the effects of hypervaccination. Indeed, the researchers emphasize that the three doses proposed in times of pandemic, coupled with possible boosters in the following years for the most fragile subjects, remain the solution most consistent with the precepts of science.

Cover photo: EPA/Bienne Alino

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