Genoa obtains 100 in the final exam but appeals to the TAR for honors: appeal rejected. Student forced to pay more than 3 thousand euros in legal costs

Graduating from the traditional high school with a grade (out of a hundred), she appealed to the TAR to obtain honors. Which, however, rejects the appeal. This happened in Genoa where a student who, in her opinion, “deserved” the highest recognition for her years of study, had her request rejected by the Regional Administrative Court. For the judges, who have consulted all the documentation relating to the final examination produced by the prosecution, he writes Republic, the young woman would not have excelled in the exams. “The contested provision explains the fact of not having demonstrated, particularly at the end of the oral test, the genius which, according to the criteria articulated by the commission itself, constituted the prerequisite for the award of distinctions” , they write in the document. But not only that: the TAR also discovered that the student's mark had been increased to the maximum “following a broader assessment which also took into account the assessments of other candidates”. However, we still read in the sentence, “the candidate obtained the maximum mark in reference to all the indicators, with the exception of the 'ability to argue in a critical and personal way, re-elaborating the acquired content'”. This indicator is relevant for awarding praise. The fact is that after the damage came the insult: the young woman indeed returned home without praise, but with 3,600 euros in legal costs to pay.

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