Gaetano Di Vaio, the producer of Gomorrah, died in very serious condition after a motorcycle accident in Naples.

Gaetano Di Vaio is dead. On May 16, he was hospitalized in serious condition at the Giugliano hospital, in Campania, following an accident that occurred during the night in Qualiano, near Naples. The 56-year-old man lost control of the motorcycle, fell to the ground and was seriously injured. Director, producer and actor, the 56-year-old was known for starring in the series Gomorrah in the role of “Baroncino”. Also known for his story of redemption: after a troubled adolescence, characterized by periods of drug addiction and imprisonment, he managed to break into the film industry, mainly thanks to the company Boys from the Neapolitan Bronx founded by writer and actor Peppe Lanzetta. In addition to Gomorrah, Di Vaio was the film's producer Naples Naples Naples by Abel Ferrara (2009). Since 2011, he has co-produced art house films, such as For your good by Gaudino and Over there of Lombardi, in collaboration with the company Son of the Bronx and participated in several international festivals. Additionally, in 2013, he wrote an autobiographical book, You will never have me, with director and screenwriter Guido Lombardi, published by Einaudi. Text inspired by his experience as an ex-inmate.

Greetings from producer and friend Curti: “He did a lot for Naples”

Here is the greeting of his friend and producer Gianluca Curti of Minerva Pictures, who says: “My brother Gaetano Di Vaio did not survive and left us a short time ago. Unfortunately, it's a tragedy.” To then remember the professional moments, but not only, experienced together: “He did a lot for Naples and he did a lot, together we received awards for Per Amor Vostro with which Valeria Golino won the Volpi Cup in Venice in 2015, and with his Bronx had just produced a first film. We all loved his energy, his desire for redemption and his generosity in giving opportunities to others too. Among the various awards, he also won the famous DOC/IT for best Italian documentary for Largo Baracche. Since 2015 production partner for Gomorra – The series produced by Cattleya and Sky.

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