Gaeta, American soldier falls from the balcony during a party: it's serious. Health workers: “Very high blood alcohol levels”

A 24-year-old American soldier is hospitalized in intensive care at the Santa Maria Goretti Hospital in Latina after a bad fall which caused numerous fractures all over her body. Several points remain to be clarified, because those present did not see the moment when the young woman, who was participating in a party with colleagues, fell from the balcony of the fourth floor of a building. The episode would have occurred on the night of Wednesday March 20. The 24-year-old young woman, stationed in Gaeta and serving on the American flagship Mount Whitney, based in the port opposite the town, was with two soldiers and another soldier in the apartment that her colleague was renting for a small sum. to party. According to what investigators have gathered in recent hours, around 10 p.m., the 24-year-old fell asleep on a sofa, while the other soldier was on the bed. The two soldiers then went down to throw away the trash but when they returned they found the young woman lying in front of the door, injured and bleeding. They then allegedly took her back to the apartment, believing she had tripped and fallen down the stairs. But, later realizing the seriousness of her injuries, they called 118. The staff transported her to Dono Svizzero Hospital in Formia. Here the young woman's condition worsened due to numerous fractures and she was transferred in serious condition to Latina. According to the investigators' reconstruction, the woman could have fallen from the fourth floor balcony and the awnings would have cushioned her fall. Health workers reported that the 24-year-old's blood alcohol level was very high. The Gaeta police station and American military policy are investigating this matter.

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