Freemasonry, there is a dispute: the Grand Orient suspends relations with the Scottish Rite

A seismic shock in Italian Freemasonry. The Grand Orient, or the country's main obedience, has suspended its relations with the Scottish Rite. This, writes Il Fatto Quotidiano, is the first time since 1908. And it represents the last act of an internal war that has lasted for a long time, after the vote for the election of the Grand Master. The two denominations are not rivals. The Scottish Rite, according to many, constitutes a sort of elite within Freemasonry. Accessible after the three diplomas (apprentice, journeyman and master). The Scottish one is one of the most important rites because it allows one to reach the highest level of Freemasonry, namely the 33rd. There are 23,000 Goi members and 4,000 Scottish Rite members. But if they continue to follow his work, these 4,000 risk expulsion.

The quarrel

“Membership of the aforementioned ritual body and/or participation in any activity of the ancient Scottish rite accepted by the Brothers of the Goi will constitute Masonic guilt,” reads the decree signed by Grand Master Antonio Seminario on June 13 . Seminario was elected last March, narrowly defeating Leo Taroni. But there are calls and stamped papers arriving. The regularity of the vote must still be confirmed by the central commission. But the defeated want to resort to ordinary justice. It is precisely for this reason that the Seminary decided to expel them: in retaliation against the Scots who supported Taroni in the elections. Giulio Nigro, Sovereign of the Scottish Rite, on the other hand suspended Stefano Bisi, who was at the head of the Goi for ten years and was the first supporter of the Seminary's candidacy. And this because Bisi is also registered in another Rite, that of York, with the rank of “Templar of the Commandery”.

The suspensions

“He has nothing to do with it, he’s a scapegoat: they wanted to hit me,” explains Seminario. Four other Freemasons were also suspended: Grand Orator Cesare Semeraro, Grand Treasurer Riccardo Petraroja, Grand Chancellor Santino Iafrate, council member Filippo Bagnato. The suspensions would have served the leaders of the Scottish Rite to be able to freely modify the memorandums of understanding with the Goi.

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