Franciacorta in the United States with the Michelin Guide

Francecorta lands in California while Exclusive partner of sparkling wines of the Michelin Guide for the next three years.

Franciacorta in the United States with the Michelin Guide

Francecorta lands in the United States as Exclusive partner of sparkling wines of the Michelin Guide for the next three years. An important step that consolidates the link between the Franciacorta Consortium and the most renowned gastronomic guide in the world, with the aim of promote the excellence of Italian wine on the international scene.

A toast to success

The partnership will be officially inaugurated in California during the award ceremony for the new Michelin stars, Il next August 5, 2024. Guests will have the opportunity to taste Franciacorta bubbles and celebrate top award-winning chefs.

In addition to stars, a reward for sommeliers

Franciacorta will also sponsor the Sommelier of the Year Awardan annual award given to the best sommelier in California.

A commitment to sustainability

At the center of the collaboration, in addition to the passion for gastronomy and wine, there is also a common commitment to sustainability. A union that reflects the values ​​shared by Franciacorta and the Michelin Guide.

“We are excited about this new venture in the United States,” he said. Silvano Brescianini, president of the Franciacorta Consortium. “The collaboration with the Michelin Guide is a unique opportunity to make our bubbles known and appreciated by an ever-wider audience.”

Silvano Brescianini, president of the Franciacorta Consortium (Franciacorta Consortium)

“This partnership represents an important opportunity for Italian wine,” said the Italian Ambassador to the United States, Mariangela Zappia. “Franciacorta perfectly embodies the philosophy of made in Italy and I am sure he will conquer the American palate.”

For any other information, click

SEE ALSO: Franciacorta, the most beautiful wine estates to visit

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