Francesca Pascale comes out on top in Leopolda: “Renzi? Berlusconi is the only heir. A political genius”

In the front row to listen to the speeches of the last day of Leopolda in Florence, the official political conference of Italia Viva, stands out the presence of Francesca Pascale, former advisor to Forza Italia and ex-partner of Silvio Berlusconi. It was Matteo Renzi himself who invited her. When asked by journalists, she wanted to clarify the meaning of her presence: “I am here because I am a free woman, because I am a curious person, because I do not represent any party and because no party represented”. As for Renzi, he does not hide his respect. And, when asked about the founder of Italia Viva and Berlusconi's political legacy, Pascale replied: “Time will tell if he will be his heir, but I believe that Matteo Renzi is the only leader on the ground and the alone in putting forward this project launched by Silvio Berlusconi. I am convinced by Renzi's tenacity, strength, political passion and verve that are difficult to find in political leaders. Today, I only recognize it in him.”

“I’m not joining Italia Viva, but it’s an interesting project”

All this, Pascale specifies, does not automatically mean joining Renzi's party: it simply speaks of “curiosity”. He recognizes, however, that many politicians from Forza Italia recognized themselves in the Italia Viva project. “There is a transfer of voice from one to the other. Part of the ruling class that was Forza Italia recognizes itself today in the leader of Italia Vita. In Campania, Lazio and Molise, many leaders are considering this step in their political career, probably because they too, like me, think that Matteo Renzi is the reformist-liberal party that is missing in this country. Finally, about Renzi, he recalls: “It's no secret, many newspaper articles say it, he was one of the political figures that Silvio Berlusconi loved the most, he always considered him as a political genius, and for this reason he shared a lot with him. important issues, including civil rights. I think it’s a warning for me to believe it.”

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