Former footballer Robinho to serve sentence for rape in Brazil

Former Brazilian national team and AC Milan footballer Robson de Sousa, known as Robinho, will serve in Brazil the 9-year prison sentence imposed on him for rape, a sentence handed down in 2017 by the Milan court . This was established by the Supreme Court of Justice of Brazil. By majority, the judges of the Stj (equivalent to the Supreme Court) expressed their opinion in favor of approving the Italian sentence. The trial was activated following a request from the Italian Ministry of Justice in 2023. In practice, Brazil does not allow the extradition of its citizens to other countries. The Stj and an opinion from the Brazilian Federal Prosecutor's Office (MPF) agree with the Italian institutions, arguing that the sentence should be approved. The footballer definitively convicted in Italy for the gang rape of a woman in 2013 is currently free in his country, where he had settled before the final verdict was read in Milan. Robinho's defense will be able to appeal today's decision to the Federal Supreme Court (Stf).

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