Fines, the municipalities where they pay the most and the massacre of speed cameras

Italians paid 1 billion and 535 million euros in fines in 2023. Up 6.4% compared to the previous year and 23.7% compared to 2019, the year before Covid- 19. The sun 24 hours reworked the data from the electronic system of the Ministry of the Economy, to arrive at a de facto ranking of the cities where the most fines are paid. The first is Bologna, where the collection rate is 63.7%, with an average of 81 euros and 50 cents per inhabitant. The Center and the North represent 84.3% of the total paid. In the south, the indicator collapses to 14% in Naples and 12.2% in Palermo. In Florence, where many tourists pay, it reaches 198.60 euros and in Rieti 151.30. Next come Siena (133 euros and 50 cents), Potenza (120 euros and 70 cents), Milan (108 euros and 10 cents) and Padua (103 euros and 20 cents).

Fines are also increasing in small municipalities. Those who do not reach 10 thousand inhabitants received 238.6 million euros in fines last year, with increases which in four years oscillate around +50% to reach +59.7% between 2 and 5 thousand inhabitants. Radars reign supreme. On the other hand, there are 11,130 thousand devices compared to 7,700 in Great Britain, 4,700 in Germany, 3,780 in France. With various records. The municipality of Colle Santa Lucia du Col de Giau in the Ampezzo Dolomites collected 747 thousand euros (2,159 euros for each of the 346 inhabitants). Rome, from the guardian placed under the Giovanni XXIII Gallery, recorded 154,000 infractions, compared to 107,000 recorded by all other radars in the city. But it also significantly reduced accidents.

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